Things are a little different this Saturday because my sweet friend Willie and I have been running around merchandising the excess of our closets. Being confronted with my excess has not been a pleasant experience but I keep reminding myself that I am unburdening myself and that is a good thing. If you absolutely need clothes come by 20 Jay St in Brooklyn from 11-5PM. We cannot wait to see you and we are so happy that you will give our stuff a happy, new home. If you do not need to be buying stuff, don’t be tempted. Stay home or go watch the Art Spiegelman doc at Film Forum instead. But if you’re my IRL friend and happen to be in the neighborhood, come say hello. I am unburdening myself and you’d be very proud of me.
Links and regularly scheduled programming will be back next Saturday. One very important piece of news that absolutely cannot wait until then is that you should know Beavers in Czech Republic saved authorities 1.2 million Euros by doing the damn job themselves. Nothing but respect for nature’s engineers. Oh also I made you a playlist because music from the Sahara is helping with my permanent homesickness.
And in the meantime, enjoy the voices of some of the generous people who read this newsletter. I long suspected that thoughtful, sweet weirdos were among us and I’m happy to report that it’s been confirmed. I really enjoyed reading every single one of your responses and found so much comfort in how different but also the same we all are. I hope you’ll read each one and find some comfort too.The last one had me in stitches for a long while. THOR!
A little tw for the beginning of this. I had consensual sex for the first time at age 40. Very late but there was a lot of anxiety around sex for me. That said, I met a very sweet younger man on Feeld. He was funny and kind. When we met up for the first time I told him I hadn’t had sex in a while and there was some anxiety around it but that I was very attracted to him. We took it slow and he made consent so sexy, asking me if he could touch me in specific places and then dancing his fingers over that area before he would kiss or touch me. It was the hottest thing ever. He also made me laugh a lot. That was something I had never experienced and loved so much. I will forever be grateful to that guy for showing me how light, fun and hot sex could be. So to anyone that has to work through things and worries they are too old or too nervous, you will know when it’s right and you will also know when to give yourself a little push. There shouldn’t be shame around this because everyone has such different life experiences and carries different struggles. Also, one night stands can be so great if you both connect and find kindness and humor in and attraction to each other. Sometimes that’s all you need to find yourself in a whole new and surprising way.
I am 44 now. The first time I slept with a woman I felt no guilt at all. I felt lust and love and I couldn’t keep my hands off her. I had no rule book for lesbian sex so everything was just a tumble of what felt good. No one had ever preached at me about homosexual sex, church folks too busy lambasting good old fashioned intercourse. I was 20 and had fallen madly in love. The first and only time I slept with a man was several years later. On a trip to Montreal, I went out dancing and decided I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I flirted with strangers until I met one guy in particular and something about him just felt safe. So I went home with him and announced I was a lesbian, had never had sex with a man, and wanted to know what I did not know. I approached the night like a researcher, bossy and unafraid and wanting to try most things. Later that night, we were chatting about this and that when he casually mentioned his upbringing. At first I thought, he must be joking. This man, like me, came from Mennonites. I spent my teenage years not sleeping with Mennonite men because of the biblical guilt and shame. Later, I realized I also just wasn’t that into them. But here I was in this beautiful city and of all the men in a club that night I found the lone Mennonite and followed him home. I remember thinking holy shit there is a god and she is looking down at me and laughing. The next morning, he wanted my number so I made up excuses, took my leave, and enjoyed a long walk back to my hostel while the city was quiet and sweetly waking.
32 yo woman, lost my "virginity" at 18 (on freshman year spring break in Puerto Rico, lol). I "took" my now-husband's virginity when he was 20 and I was 21. I didn't realize that he had never had sex when we first hooked up - he told me after that he had only kissed a couple of people before and had never been in a relationship. I was shocked and worried that I had somehow taken advantage of him. He wasn't mad - quite the opposite - and neither of us has had sex with anyone else since (11 years and counting!) Perks for me as the virginity-taker: he was super courteous/cautious the first few times, always asking what I liked and what was okay. His obvious excitement and gratitude to be having sex with me made my experience way more pleasurable. The first time was sweet and nice but not mind-blowing, but within a couple of weeks I was already having the best sex of my life, because everything he knew about having sex (meaning DOING IT in practice, not learning from porn/talking with friends/etc.) he learned from me!!!
I carried so much anxiety about still being a virgin at 30. It was such a heavy weight, for no reason other than I had passed the age where most people assumed I had DONE “IT”. I grew up very Catholic so it was just a given from 0-18 that I would wait until marriage. But then, I went to a liberal east coast university where orientation week included a hypnotist making people orgasm on stage. (And yes, in fact, it radicalized me, my parents were scandalized and now they read Du Bois for fun so here we are. We are evolving.) I went on dates, I had situationships, and actually no one pressured me to have sex except for my first boyfriend (at 27) who was, to put it nicely, trash. (The pandemic was rough BUT April 2020 blessed me with having to quarantine away from that man and then breaking up - blessings be upon me.) I met my current boyfriend while visiting my parents for an extended visit before returning to grad school. In fact, I met him the day after I turned 30. I treated him like 3 years of therapy had gotten me to treat dating - like an excuse to go on a fun adventure for a date and NOT to find love, except for loving yourself (grim at the time to face, but helpful). Anyways, the man planned good dates. So I kept saying yes. Finally, we got to the part where we talked about sex, likes and dislikes, very healthy but ultimately out of my depth. I sort of mumbled that I hadn’t had sex-sex. Penetrative sex, to clarify. Clinical terms to cope for the lapsed Catholic. Well, he smiled. Said, that’s fine, I’ve only had sex once. Right after college. Have accidentally been celibate since then. And wow, the ease with which he told me that. Then, he said, my friend just had sex for the first time, he’s 30. He texted our group chat. Here I was, so nervous to be a virginal millennial old maid and have ANYONE find out, and I had somehow found a man who not only was relatively inexperienced at the same age and didn’t mind sharing that, but also had a group of friends that celebrated his friend’s sex milestone with a fancy dinner out. A man, and a group of men, who truly didn’t judge each other’s timelines but instead asked “is that what you wanted? Are you happy?” Who raised these people? (Answer: Catholic moms, which is a gender analysis about raising boys versus girls waiting to happen.) Anyways, eventually we did IT. And a few years later we are getting married. And to be honest, I’m glad I waited. I didn’t wait on purpose and I wish I hadn’t internalized all the shame but am I glad that I let myself get that vulnerable with someone who understood and respected my path to that moment? Yep. And in our life, sex is a bonus. We both know we can be happy without it. But we get to have it. Isn’t that fun?
At a post-GCSE house party with a bunch of friends, I got tipsy and decided that it was time to put the condom I'd had in my wallet for over a year to use at last. I was 16, legal in the UK, and made out with a guy who went on to become an extra in The Inbetweeners on a mattress on the floor for about twenty minutes before dragging him into my friend's bathroom where we had INCREDIBLY underwhelming sex that I still remember very fondly. He couldn't stay hard, I gave my first terrible blowjob, we were standing up, and we were interrupted by my friend banging on the door and screaming in a sort of mix of pride and hysteria. Another friend frogmarched me to the pharmacy the next day for the morning after pill because of COURSE we hadn't been able to get the condom on properly. I just wanted to get sex out of the way so I'd have a decent idea of what it was like for when I did care about my partner, and I'm very glad I did it the way I did! I'm 31 now, with no real interest in sleeping with men ever again - sex with women is much more my speed - and my attitude to sex in general is still very irreverent.
College was a big challenge for me as someone who grew up really religious in the South--I literally wore a purity ring engraved with the words "I will wait for my beloved." SO I was not prepared for how horny I was when I started dating my first college boyfriend at 20. I was so ashamed by how much I enjoyed fooling around, and for a long time, I gradually "allowed him" (read: also enjoyed) to do sex acts all the way up to, but not crossing the line, of vagina/penis intercourse. This allowed--in my hilariously twisted evangelical sense--anal sex. Imagine my bestie's surprise when I shared with her that I was in fact a virgin whilst also getting my back blown out on a regular basis. I don't know if I've ever seen her laugh harder. Fifteen years later, we still teehee when we talk about this.
I'm 43 and my first time (20 years old) was very chill, pretty fun all around, and surprisingly unburdened by my fair-weather Catholic upbringing (Jesus was a cool dude, firmly pro-choice, subtly don't-ask-don't-tell about sex.) But shame is a sneaky bitch and revealed itself a handful of years and partners later...on my honeymoon. It's since been resolutely resolved, due in large part to radical trust around year 10 of my marriage (now rounding the 15 year mark.) BUT what I really want to say is this: what you wrote about "virginity" and approaching sex for the first time is exactly what I want to tell my now 10 year old daughter when the time is right. Thank you so much for sharing this. I plan on saving it and having her read it as a conversation starter since tweens/teens largely think their parents are full of shit.
I'm 34 now and was 19 when I had sex for the first time. I didn't feel any way about "being a virgin" until 19, even though my college freshmen roommate thought it was strange, a really weird opinion for her to have/express. One night I was at house party and absolutely not enjoy any of it. I had been dating this man for a few weeks so I Irish Goodbyed and went over to his house. It happened spontaneously! I was a little underwhelmed at the start (was too in my head to fully enjoy it at first™️) but ultimately it was great. I felt safe and comfortable with him and was really falling in love for the first time in my life. I only acknowledge my first time because it was the beginning of a relationship I cherished, not because of any notion of a changing status of virginity. This feels too saccharine! But it's true! My experience was nice and easy and lovely. I'm glad it happened the way it did.
I grew up mormon, never did much more than hand stuff, then got married at 24 (an “old hag” for Mormonism but still otherwise a “child bride”!!!) and discovered on my wedding night that I had vaginismus. Many tears, two surgeries, and a divorce later, I felt like I “actually” had my first time only last year (at 28) with a different ex (not my ex husband). That “first time” was first experience with easy, pain free, relaxed PIV sex. Since then I’ve had lots of different types of sex - playful, tender, lesbian, straight, queer, penetrative, non penetrative, intimate, one-night. I am so grateful for good therapy and good partners who have helped me figure out and explore this side of myself. Sex is expansive and joyful and not the end-all-be-all. Hooray!
I will be 29 on Monday (!) and was 21 when I first had sex. It was with a man I'd had a crush on for over a year who worked at my university (not a professor, I'm not that fun and scandalous). During his shift at our student center, he took me to a fancy meeting room to hang out, and we ended up hooking up in the tech closet of that room after several drinks. Lo and behold, I learned the hard way that I had vaginismus (which was mild and has since been resolved), but also he had the biggest dick I've ever seen to this day, and I would probably still struggle with it now... So it was a lot of awkward pushing and pushing that went more or less nowhere. But, to me, it still counts as my first time!
I’m 30 now and was 20 when I “lost it.” I did the normal small town “date some random boys in the friend group and make out in a basement” thing as a teenager but never had a serious enough guy to actually sleep with. Going to college allowed me to meet a new pool of people that I hadn’t known since kindergarten and I just decided to finally have sex with one. He was sweet and fine but I didn’t want to tell him I was a virgin so I lied. The sex was terrible but he couldn’t tell. The point is, lie if you want to. No one can tell and no one actually cares!
I am 39 now. I was 22 when I "lost" my virginity to a coworker. While I felt weird and behind at the time for not having had sex yet (or really much of the "traditional" romantic experiences, beyond making out with a lot of suspect men at clubs), I'm glad I was 22 because I had a bit more (at the time I thought a lot more) maturity and emotional capacity to handle the intimacy of sex. I found the coworker incredibly attractive, and I found the sex incredibly underwhelming. It was anticlimactic in more than one way. My thought after the act was "That was it? That was what people were making a big deal about." After having much better sex later in life, I understand the hype now.
39 now, 22 then. My story sadly isn’t sweet or funny, but I so wish I could tell my younger self how my feelings/desires/pleasure mattered more than anything. And really nothing else matters, especially the empty satisfaction of checking the box that the patriarchal standards set for us, because fuck that and anyone who made you feel less than along the way! Also, thank for you doing this, it’s cathartic and look forward to feeling less alone about past life (even if I’m healed and much wiser/older) <3
I'm 32 now and "lost my virginity" at the late age of 30. For many years I felt a lot of shame and embarassment at being a virgin and what I saw as my extremely low sex drive. About once a year or so, I'd make out with a guy, go back to his dorm room or apartment in hopes of finally ticking the "had sex" box, and then when it came time to actually do it I would lose interest and bail. This happened... an embarassing number of times before I came to the conclusion that I was a lesbian. After I came out and spent a few years working on myself, my desire to enjoy the life and the body I've been given began to trump my shame and embarassment. My first time wasn't amazing, but it helped me see myself as someone deserving of pleasure and attention. Two years later, it turns out I actually have a pretty high sex drive. It's a positive and exciting part of my life that keeps me connected to my wonderful girlfriend and has made me happier and less anxious than I've ever been. If I could erase the shame my younger self felt, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don't regret waiting as long as I did. To never have a truly negative or unwanted sexual experience has been a rare gift, and I'm grateful for it.
I had sex for the first time at 25 but before that, I was so ashamed that I hadn’t had sex yet. It was with my now partner and if things go well for us, I will only have sex with one person in my life which feels very old timey?? I also used to feel some shame around that but now I don’t care. I also really didn’t get that *no one cares* until after I had sex. It feels like such a big deal in high school and college but it’s truly not.
I was 19 the first time I had sex (41 now). I had been dating someone since the summer before school started (my first year of college) and we had sex when we got back from winter break. He had made a playlist and Phil CollinsYou’ll Be in My Heart was the song that played while we banged. I think about it now (and every-time I hear that song) and can’t stop laughing. Not a song from Tarzan 😂😭
35F now. About The Talk™️: I came home from Sunday School at age 13 and told my mom how we learned “True love waits”. She replied, “Statistically, that’s not true.” WHOA my mom and God have conflicting messages?!? What!? She continued that I should wait until I am 100% ready to do it, am on birth control, and love and trust the person. And I did just that…. at age 19, premaritally. Thanks mom! (and #SorryNotSorry, God!)
I "lost my virginity" when I was 22 with a friend from college just to "get it over with". It was in the back hallway of an apartment building WHILE A PARTY WAS GOING ON. The next day, my friends took a picture of the area and there was just a clearing in the dirt (where my back was) next to a folding chair and a shovel. To this day, we call it the rat king's throne. I'm now 38 and honestly? If I was at that party, I'd look her in the eye and say, "Do it for the story."
1) I thought you lost virginity when you used a tampon and thus didn't use one until I was in college and out of my parents house 2) I thought 'penetration' involved penetrating your inner thighs (picture this: two adults standing up, one pushing something through the other's closed legs) and was both shocked and horrified to know that biologically, I can contain multitudes.
I “lost” my penis-in-vagina virginity in a threesome. I was 20yo and in a far away country and lost it with a MF couple, who were also my friends, and it was the best, and opened the door to me having lots of sex— after a feverish adolescence of masturbation it felt like FINALLY! 42F
I was 20, studying abroad in a Central American country where I didn’t have AC in the house. It was so so hot and I am a particularly sweaty person, so when we had sex we were literally slipping and sliding over each other. Like no friction between our stomachs at all. It was so embarrassing but thankfully overall a good time.
From a hetero lens, I was 18, I'm now 36. But instead of recounting that experience, I wanna tell you about losing my "queer virginity" (as I was ignorantly calling it) at 33. Sharing this because I hope it's funny or sweet 😆 AND because the advice I would give 33 year old me is the same advice I would give 18 year old me too. I met Xenia* in 2018 at a fundraiser for an organization that supports Black and brown girls and gender expensive youth. She had just moved to New York from North Carolina and we immediately hit it off (me assuming "wow I have a cool new artsy friend" not "wow this person is hot we have chemistry and maybe I like LIKE her" 🫠) We texted for a month and one morning she wrote "I really wanted to reply last night but I didn't want to seem too eager". I left her on read 👻 I was in a complicated situation ship with a male partner who lived with me, AND in my naivete I kept feeling like "I'm reading too much into her texts... there's no possible way she's into me right?" Fast forward to the summer of 2022 where break my soul is my running anthem, I've cut my hair short, and I'm going through a terrible breakup and existential crisis about being a wife and mom to anyone because that situationship/relationship didn't work out. I receive a text from Xenia. "Hi ____, it's Xenia*. We met a few years back at a ____ event through my friend Nora*. I've never been great at follow through, I wish I would have kept contact all these years. I hope you are doing well despite the crumbling of society and the ozone, and if you're actually surviving that, I hope you are healthy and well. I'm hoping to not upset you by this invitation, but my friend is throwing this party soon and I was just going to pass along the invitation. For you, of course, but anyone else you might think interested in something like it. " It was a link to a femme pleasure party in Brooklyn. I had a lot of feelings about going 1) would she still like me? Would she like what she saw in person after all these years? 2) is this how I wanted to be losing my "virginity" to a woman and wtf did that even mean? I have many queer friends but at 33 I had never even kissed a girl. I will wrap it up here and just say that Xenia and all the femmes at this party we're incredibly sweet and supportive while also modeling and explicitly naming what enthusiastic consent means, looks feels like ANDDDDD I had a really good time at the party with Xenia 😝 And what I would tell myself then (and what I learned from that experience) is to disrupt and debunk the idea of virginity and even "sex" and instead center PLEASURE. Both my 18 and 33 year old selves deserved that. It's something my 36 year old self is STILL working on... I've made great strides in centering MY sexual pleasure. Everything has been anonymized thanks for listening!!
I was 19, my boyfriend and I started dating in first year university, and didn’t start having sex until second year. I wonder if it would have happened faster if only we hadn’t both had roommates and single beds (we lived in dorms on campus). Honestly it was a great experience - we didn’t rush it, we were both a bit more mature by the time we figured out how to make it happen. We both barely knew what we were doing and weren’t great at communicating our needs but it was safe and there was trust.
I was 15 years old when I lost my virginity to a boy who I had mischievously gone after despite him having a senior girlfriend. Not like senior old, like senior in high school. Him and I were in the same grade. He was a little bit older than me. I had heard all the nightmare stories about losing your virginity to somebody and then them never talking to you again. It had happened to lots of my friends already! To me now, at 35, that is pretty shocking. Because I was only 15! Very much still a child. But the luckiest thing happened: I was talking to a friend at lunch one day, a friend that I had had since preschool, and I was telling her about how difficult it would be to attempt to have sex with my boyfriend because both of our parents were always around. I didn't want to lose my virginity in a car. She agreed that would be tacky. She also thought sleeping with the boy was tacky. She let me know that her and her girlfriend had been over at her aunt's house and her aunt was usually gone. She invited me over on a Friday night to "use the basement". At this point I wasn't even sure that I really liked boys. But I figured a free basement is a free basement. My boyfriend and I stopped at Walgreens on the way over. We bought condoms together and it felt really uncomfortable. The most awkward exchange with a cashier. Then we went to the house. I still don't know where it is till this day. We put on Donnie Darko. Pretended to watch that for a while. And then like magic we were in bed. For some reason there was a whole bed in the basement. There was also a bathroom. It was the nicest first time experience ever. It didn't hurt. It was very fun. There was lots of giggling. Later, my friend and her girlfriend came down laughing at us while I was getting dressed in the bathroom. Being a teenager was so much fun. The best part was that we dated for a whole year after. I feel so lucky to have had such a joyful experience. I can tell people I lost my "virginity" to Donnie Darko. And most of all I was safe. I was able to make a good assessment and pass a good judgment. And I think that's what I would carry with myself into this time. I've never made a totally bad mistake because safety was always first. And if I could say something to myself, it would be, it's okay to try it out. You've got everything you need.
I lost my virginity at what felt like a later time in life (21). I was studying abroad in London in 2007 and a best friend had studied in Rome the year before and given me this perfect piece of advice: "So I learned the way to get an Italian guy to approach me. You just look at them more than once, for a few more moments than you want to. Repeat until he approaches." (Reader, she married that man and has the cutest baby and chicest life in Rome). At the local pub one night, we noticed a group of guys playing pool. I attempted this on the tallest one. He did eventually approach me. He spent that night in my tiny flat though we did not do it. We texted and flirted for several weeks, (I called him my "brif" to my friends, short for fake british boyfriend). We saw each other a handful of times and fooled around, but nothing serious. About 2 months later, after we had essentially blown each other off, I ran into him at that pub again. By that time I was basically broke and barely eating, so the 2 vodka red bulls I had zinged through me. I invited him back to my tiny flat and this time we did do it. It was fine. The next morning I sat on the floor and using a stack of coins, showed him how American football is played. We had sex one-half more times and I went home. I got a Facebook message that summer that said, "I hope you're well, adjusting to life back home, do you remember the good times we had when you were in London, well I have this little infection and you might too, so you should probably get it checked and get some antibiotics, just in case." That fall, my senior year of college, I started dating my first and only boyfriend. Reader, I married him. He is only the second person I ever had sex with lol
I was 18 when I lost my virginity. A lot of funny things happened during it (we were of course walked in on), but my clearest memory was being shocked that a penis could simply go into my vagina if I wanted it to. I remember thinking that there had to be more of a build up, or something scary would happen, or it would be harder to get in there or something? Instead I just remember laying there thinking "Oh, first there were fingers here and now there's a penis. This is kind of the same thing." I didn't know why everyone was acting like this would make me feel emotionally so different than a few fingers! I think I might've even said something to the guy to that effect because he said something like "it feels very different to me" in return (lol). I can't remember being more underwhelmed and confused at the hoopla by any other "milestone" I've experienced. 31 years old now.
I got my period every two weeks for 9 days when I was a teen. Thankfully I didn’t have any PMS or cramps. I was just constantly bleeding. When I was 16 (and a virgin), I had a track meet and suddenly it came 4 days after I had finished my last cycle. I was about to be in a relay. My teammate gave me a tampon. But Aminatou, I had never used a tampon. After a two-sentence crash course I went to the bathroom and tried. We lost the relay. When I got home, I spent the next 2 hours crying and trying to get the tampon out. I enlisted my mother’s help but she tapped out after about 3 minutes cause I would yelp whenever she pulled on the string. It seemed I somehow put it in sideways. Eventually I got it out. When I had a penis inside me for the first time when I was 22, I didn’t bleed. I think I broke my own hymen after that track meet. Took my own virginity. I’m 35 now and I can use tampons but I prefer cups. I was also really thankful that I didn’t bleed the first time I had sex because I did not tell that person it was my first time having sex.
It was the winter of my freshman year in college, so I guess I was 18. If I’m honest I was shocked when I learned a much shyer friend of mine had sex before me. I was over it. I was at a party with friends and met a boy from the neighboring college. We danced all night and I took him home. We had sex and I never told him it was my first time. At 36, I now don’t remember his name. But here are the funny details. After we had sex he stayed for a bit and we watched some tv, I put on Entourage and it was the episode where they all talked about loosing their virginity, I was silently laughing to myself the entire time. 2. This boy had a short, rough beard but was so unimaginative in his kissing technique that when I woke up the next morning I had a red rug-burn patch on my chin from his beard. LOL. So no big romantic story, but I did feel better getting it over with.
I was 16 and I’m now 28. I’ve always felt like a late bloomer – I’d had my first kiss only a few months before having sex for the first time, so losing my virginity felt a bit like I was making up for lost time and moving into the big league. I absolutely remember a feeling of smugness (and relief) that I lost it at 16. I’ve since spent a lot of my 20s in a state of (mostly) unintentional and unplanned abstinence (it’s my current state!). I’m currently toying with the idea of putting myself out there again, at least temporarily, and the thing that strikes me is that I haven’t really outgrown that feeling of being a late bloomer. Every time I’ve made the decision to prioritize dating and sex, even though I’ve had plenty of sex in my life, the first time back always feels like the first time ever.
Then:23. Now:35 wish I could tell myself that “losing your virginity” really doesn’t matter! I sort of knew but put internal pressure on myself. Wish I could tell myself to chill out and have fun with it and not be so freaked out. And to not apologize for not having experience!
I “lost” my virginity at 25 and I’m 30 now. I also had the same anxiety as the original poster. I did share with my partner that I was a virgin, he didn’t mind and was patient with me, and now he’s my husband 💕
I (cis straight woman) was the absolute last of my friend group to have sex. I didn't have sex in high school, and I went my whole freshman year of college choosing not to - a time when pretty much everyone around me was fucking constantly. I had this feeling that I wanted my first time to feel memorable, if not "special". And then, the summer after my freshman year of college, when I was 19, my friends had a small party at my best friend's parents' home while they were out of town. The party bizarrely turned into a full-on orgy. I ended up having sex with a person named Thor who was 6'5 and had an en.or.mous. dick. My best friend, a gay boy who was everything to me at that time in life, lay next to me in bed while I had sex with Thor. It was really beautiful and also so funny. I am now 36 and I love that I have been able to say "I lost my virginity in an orgy to a 6'5 man named Thor" for so much of my life! And yes, virginity is fake and a cultural construct meant to oppress people!!
Amen. See you next week.
Moving forward Thank You For Sharing will be a recurring thread that lives behind the paywall. Behind the paywall is where we can get cozy and real. Privacy is sexy and so is paying for this newsletter.